Board Members

Name and Affiliation Board Role
Steve Bergquist, Representative Legislator
Katie Biron, Fostering Connections Foster parent representative
Bobbe Bridge, Center for Children & Youth Justice Juvenile rehabilitation and justice subject matter expert
Leonard Christian, Senate Legislator
Tom Dent, House of Representatives Legislator
Ben de Haan, PhD, University of Washington School of Social Work Child welfare subject matter expert
Marian Harris, PhD, University of Washington School of Social Work and Criminal Justice (Professor Emeritus) Subject matter expert in reducing disparities in child outcomes by income, race, and ethnicity 
Pamela Javier, Co-Design Consultant and Lived Expert Current or former foster youth under 25
Danielle Johnson, Department of Children, Youth, and Families Child welfare caseworker representative
Ruth Kagi, State Representative (retired) Early learning subject matter expert
Diane Liebe, MD, Yakima Valley Farm Worker’s Clinic/Children’s Village (Co-chair) Physician with experience working with youth
Lois Martin, Community Day Center for Children Early childhood program practitioner representative
April Messenger, Child Care Action Council Representative of an organization that advocates for the best interest o the child
Mary Sprute-Garlant, Office of the Governor Governor’s Office representative (non-voting)
Claire Wilson, Senate (Co-chair) Legislator