If you are looking to file a complaint regarding:
- Any child at risk of abuse, neglect, or other harm.
- A child or parent involved with child protection or child welfare services.
- The safety or welfare of children in state care.
Please contact Washington State's Office of the Family and Children’s Ombuds. Find a link here to their page.
The DCYF Oversight Board does not intervene in individual cases. The Board’s purpose is to monitor and ensure that DCYF makes progress towards achieving the stated outcomes as identified in RCW 43.216.015.
Regarding Public Comment:
The DCYF Oversight Board is governed by state law. Per state law, the Oversight Board’s authority includes: monitoring DCYF’s achievement of 8 outcome measures listed in DCYF’s founding legislation; monitoring DCYF’s compliance with applicable laws and policies pertaining to early learning, juvenile rehabilitation, juvenile justice, and children and family services; general oversight of DCYF’s performance and policies; and providing advice and input to DCYF, the Legislature, and the Governor. The Oversight Board does not have authority to inquire into, direct or change DCYF decisions in individual cases.
For those wishing to provide public comment to the Board, we would like to remind you that the Board is subject to the Open Public Meetings Act, which means our meetings are open to the public and anyone can attend as an observer. Our meetings are recorded and posted on the Oversight Board’s website and will be broadcast on TVW. We wish to inform everyone in attendance of this fact as an act of respect and support to individuals who may have a sensitive story they wish to share, or wish to express individual case details in this setting. The Oversight Board may use any information brought to the Board’s attention as it carries out its role of general oversight and monitoring of DCYF.
Nickolaus.Colgan@gov.wa.gov - Administrative Coordinator