Name and Affiliation | Board Role |
Anna Armstrong, Director of Education, Kalispel Tribe | Eastern Washington Tribal Representative |
Steve Bergquist, Representative | Legislator |
Katie Biron, Fostering Connections | Foster parent representative |
Bobbe Bridge, Center for Children & Youth Justice | Juvenile rehabilitation and justice subject matter expert |
Leonard Christian, Senate | Legislator |
Tom Dent, House of Representatives | Legislator |
Ben de Haan, PhD, University of Washington School of Social Work | Child welfare subject matter expert |
Marian Harris, PhD, University of Washington School of Social Work and Criminal Justice (Professor Emeritus) | Subject matter expert in reducing disparities in child outcomes by income, race, and ethnicity |
Pamela Javier, Co-Design Consultant and Lived Expert | Current or former foster youth under 25 |
Danielle Johnson, Department of Children, Youth, and Families | Child welfare caseworker representative |
Ruth Kagi, State Representative (retired) | Early learning subject matter expert |
Diane Liebe, MD, Yakima Valley Farm Worker’s Clinic/Children’s Village (Co-chair) | Physician with experience working with youth |
Lois Martin, Community Day Center for Children | Early childhood program practitioner representative |
April Messenger, Child Care Action Council | Representative of an organization that advocates for the best interest o the child |
Mary Sprute-Garlant, Office of the Governor | Governor’s Office representative (non-voting) |
Claire Wilson, Senate (Co-chair) | Legislator |